After the Manchester City defeat, it was very difficult to put into words how I felt. Yes, I was upset that West Ham had lost, and felt we deserved to come out of the match with something, but the fight and spirit of the team was inspiring.
What we also know, is that the margin of error at the top of the table is very thin. Go a few matches without a win, and you could drop from 4th to 8th in a matter of days. However, West Ham are still in good shape after the defeat, as long as they bring that effort level and mentality to every remaining game they play this season.
West Ham were able to go toe-to-toe against one of the best squads in the entire world, and certainly the best team in England at the moment. Moyes and the whole squad looked calm, cool, and collected, and came into the Etihad with a great gameplan and spirit. The Hammers fought for the whole 90 minutes.
If the City performance can be replicated by West Ham to close out this season, there is no reason why West Ham will not be in Europe next season.
You could see the look of anguish and pain on Vladimir Coufal’s face after the final whistle, the brutal feeling of defeat. You can see how much it means to these players and coaches. In the end, it comes down to the number of points you pick up. Moral victories will not earn West Ham a spot in Europe.
This just feels different. This does not feel like a squad who are on a magical run of form and found themselves battling for the top four. This feels like a group of warriors who will stop at nothing to win matches.
West Ham are talented and organized. They come into each match with a gameplan, and for the most part this season, have put in great performances. This is not a fluke, and the match against Man City has only strengthened the team and their confidence.
West Ham still sit in 4th place in the Premier League with 12 matches left in the season. Although most of the results will need to be victories to keep ahead of some of the clubs below them, I have no doubt the Irons will make this interesting up until the final matchday.